I had several resolutions, some of them I'm keeping for this year.
The stash was never reduced. Hahaha! I made many, many pairs of socks for myself, and as far as having a go at designing went... I played about with a few baby hats and blankets, but nothing serious.
This year, I have catalogued the stash - with the exception of the big box of orphan balls that I'm scared to delve into. ;-) I want to break the back of these before I treat myself to more yarn (except when I need to buy yarn to make gifts for
other people). I'm keeping the list in my side bar to help me keep track.
Books I read last year... lots. With the exception of 'American Gods' (Neil Gaiman) purely because I didn't like the style of writing, they've all been goodies. The BF mentioned that Facebook has a facility for scoring books, but I find this difficult... I'd rate 'Desperation' (Stephen King) and "The Time Traveller's Wife" (Audrey Niffenegger) with a 5/5 but there entirely different novels with 'Desperation' being a trashy horror. I score on enjoyment.
1. American Gods - Neil Gaiman
2. A Feast for Crows - George RR Martin
3. The Kraken Wakes - John Wyndham
4. Consider Her Ways - John Wyndham
5. The Children of Men - PD James
6. Cell - Stephen King
7. A Modern Utopia - HG Wells
8. All Fun and Games Until Someone Loses an Eye - Christopher Brookmyre
9. Havoc, in it's Third Year - Ronan Bennett
10. Until I Find You - John Irving
11. Slant - Greg Bear
12. Saving Fish From Drowning - Amy Tan
13. Labyrinthine - Kate Moss
14. The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold
15. The Traveller - John Twelve-Hawks
16. The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid - Bill Bryson
17. The Hungry Tide - Amitav Ghosh
18. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - JK Rowling
19. As Used on the Famous Nelson Mandela - Mark Thomas
20. Ringworld - Larry Niven
21. Lisey's Story - Stephen King
22. Desperation - Stephen King
23. The Birth of Venus - Sarah Dunant
24. In the Company of the Courtesan - Sarah Dunant
25. A Tale Etched in Blood and Hard Black Pencil - Christopher Brookmyre
26. Blood Music - Greg Bear
27. The Complete Robot - Issac Asimov
28. Wintersmith - Terry Pratchett
29. Making Money - Terry Pratchett
30. The Caves of Steel - Issac Asimov
31. The Naked Sun - Issac Asimove
32. The Night Watch - Sergei Lukyanenko
33. A Spot of Bother - Mark Haddon
34. Gerald's Game - Stephen King