Saturday, 17 May 2008

Knitting for Old People

The cardigan for my Granda is really taking shape. I've adapted the pattern to add a couple of chunky lines of blue. Yes, I could risk running out of this colour, but I do have some spare (from the "Bonnie" scarf and bag, though they're not finished yet).

The body seemed to rattle up really quickly.

When you know the sleeves are half the number of stitches as the body, you'd think that they would seem to knit up faster... but they didn't and I actually found them a bit of a slog.

Once I finished the sleeves and started attaching them to the body, I started to feel like I was really getting somewhere. Only 9 inches to go.

The gaps between the sleeve and the body will be sewn up. I won't leave my Granda with draughty armpits.

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