Thursday 14 January 2010


On the 14th January in "The Arden Arms" (Stockport), I made a false statement that alleged the BF had been browsing Ravelry.

In my account, I stated that the BF had found this rather brilliant pattern (Some Assembly Required by Amber Allison, available at whilst surfing Ravelry. He had then asked to use my account, rather than set up his own, paid for the pattern and downloaded it.

The BF has protested that this is not a true and accurate representation of what actually happened.

What actually happened was as follows:

He had found a link to the pattern whilst browsing his usual websites (you know, games, gadgets and all round general manly sites). He then asked to use my account, rather than set up his own, paid for the pattern, downloaded it and saved it to my desktop so that I couldn't fail to see it and would therefore knit it for him.

So, now you know.

1 comment:

Linda said...

LOL! Thats is a cool pattern though.