Sunday, 30 May 2010

Dunham Massey

My 7 year old niece has been visiting for the weekend, with her Nana (my Mam). This was the first time she has visited so I have been a bit nervous - what do you do with girly seven year olds? (In case, anyone hadn't noticed, I am not noted for my maternal instincts. When confronted with babies I usually ask "when will they get their upgrades and start doing something interesting?")

However, the solution turned out to be quite simple: Dunham Massey - specifically the deer park. Despite the rain, we had a great day (followed by a very nice pub lunch at the 'Axe and Cleaver'). Oh, and we have the two cats. I never need to entertain anyone ever again. I just put them in a room with the cats and then go and make a cup of tea.

("They can break a man's arm, you know". The first thing that anyone ever says about swans).

Meanwhile, my Mam and niece manage to get very close to a deer or should that be: one deer managed to get incredibly close to some very excited humans?

After kicking my backside at Mario Kart my niece cried when she had to go home. I was quite choked.

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