Sunday 28 February 2010

Feather and Fan

Having finished the final ball of "Regia - Silk" sock yarn, I decided to treat myself and started knitting a scarf in this lovely stuff... well, I would tell you if I knew what it was...

I picked up three 400g skeins of "Touch Yarns" DK (and I think it's merino) at Ally Pally two and a bit years ago. I seem to have lost the labels and I had a look at the Touch Yarns website ( to check but it seems to be a discontinued batch.

Anyway, below is the start of a scarf in feather and fan (AKA old shale). The colours aren't exactly clear but they are Autumnal shades and the yarn is lovely to knit with - great stitch definition but very soft at the same time.

You may notice, the bottom section looks somewhat chunkier than the rest. I made a mistake when I picked it up on Saturday morning to do some more knitting and the back became the front. However, I intend to pretend that this was deliberate and will do a similar 'trim' at the other end.

I just can't be arsed to rip it back now.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Thats going to be great in that yarn.