I ended up combining a classic chutney recipe with a pear chutney recipe by someone called Peggy.
Here's the combined ingredients - the ones I focused on, anyway:
500g pears and apples
1/2 large red onion
300ml vinegar (bog standard, none of your fancy white wine, cider, honey vinegars)
250ml honey
100g sultanas
several splashes of lemon juice
4 teaspoons ginger
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 grated nutmeg
shake of salt
First of all, chop the fruit, having peeled and cored it.
Add the finely diced onion. Heat it and mash it a bit.
Add the vinegar. Heat until it boils and then simmer until everything is tender. Open the windows, get the extractor fan on and shut the kitchen door, unless you are a devotee of Eau de Vinegar.
Having simmered, chuck in the rest of the agreements and simmer for another 15-20 minutes. Or until you have hung out the washing, scraped the labels of the jars, Milton'd them and then warmed them up...
...in preparation for spooning the results into the jars.
I spilled a fair amount as I was doing this. It tastes pretty good.
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