1. I am lazy.
2. The t'interweb connection has been doo-wappy. Yes, that is the technical term. And it has only got worse since that thing that involves over-paid children, sorry, men chasing balls around a course, sorry, the World Cup started - the neighbours all seem to be watching the blasted games on the computer. I am making this assumption because the connection has disappeared entirely during matches/innings/whatever.
Anyway, I'm still knitting the "Lacy Ladders" scarf - more so since the advice on what I am doing with YOs. Thank you. No picture today, sorry. There have still been a few mistakes but, thankfully, it's a very forgiving pattern.
I spent Sunday afternoon making some curtains for my Mam. Well, I started one and will make the other one next weekend. I'm not actually finishing them until I go to visit as I can't remember the drop measurements... so I don't want to make them too short.
So, here are two pictures that show you the curtain (in theory) without actually showing you the curtain.
A seam.
An example of how not to make a neat hem. There isn't enough material left to turn a decent hem - folding the material to hide the raw edges, but I'm having to make do with what I have.
In gardening related news... I have turned this bald lawn monstrosity (date - May 2nd)...
...into this toxic-green lawn of loveliness!
There's still a bald patch under the shrubs to the left of the lawn but that's thirst related. I think I'll try some Miracle Grow next. And no, it's not green because the moss has come back! :-)
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